Paint.NET는 이미지처리 소프트웨어인데, 이 소프트웨어는 워싱턴 주립대의 학생이 개발하고 업데이트하고 있으며 마이크로소프트회사에서 지원을 해주고 있는 소프트웨어입니다.현재는 기능이 막대한 툴로 변했습니다.
C언어로 개발했으며 제일 좋은 점은 프리웨어 즉 사용에 제한이 없는 무료 소프트웨어입니다.
더욱 상세한 소개는 영어버전 참조
Changes in version 3.31:
* New: Enabled integration with Window Clippings, which is a high quality screen capture utility by Kenny Kerr.
* Fixed: Fixed a crash with the Open/Save dialogs if the Documents or Pictures directories were either inaccessible or if the user did not have certain file system permissions.
* Changed / Fixed: The hotkey for Adjustments -> Levels is now Ctrl+Shift+L instead of Ctrl+Alt+L. This was preventing certain characters, such as the Polish 'ł', from being typed.
C언어로 개발했으며 제일 좋은 점은 프리웨어 즉 사용에 제한이 없는 무료 소프트웨어입니다.
더욱 상세한 소개는 영어버전 참조
Changes in version 3.31:
* New: Enabled integration with Window Clippings, which is a high quality screen capture utility by Kenny Kerr.
* Fixed: Fixed a crash with the Open/Save dialogs if the Documents or Pictures directories were either inaccessible or if the user did not have certain file system permissions.
* Changed / Fixed: The hotkey for Adjustments -> Levels is now Ctrl+Shift+L instead of Ctrl+Alt+L. This was preventing certain characters, such as the Polish 'ł', from being typed.

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